    Hello and Welcome to My Page
    Name: Kendra Davis
    Email Address:kdavis@ipcisd.net
    Phone number: 592-2144 (school)
    Conference times: 9-9:45 and 2-2:40
    Tutorials: 7:40-8:00 & 3:30-4:00
    I graduated from Archer City High School in 1996.  I went to Texas Tech for a few semesters, then moved back home.  I'm still a big Red Raider fan.  I graduated from MSU with a degree in BAAS in 2003.  I earned my M.Ed. from Wayland Baptist University.  I am currently teaching Biology and IPC.
    I am the proud mother to 3 beautiful girls Korbyn (21), Kaybree (11) and Anderlee (7).  Other than teaching, I love to play sports and be outdoors.  I also like to be involved with whatever it is that my daughters are doing at the time. 
    If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me or call me. 
    It's a Great Day to be a HAWK!!! 
    Thank you,
    Kendra Davis