Name: Derick Simpson
    Email Address: dsimpson@ipcisd.net
    Phone number: 940-592-4432
    Conference periods
    5th period 12:02-12:57
    To set up a conference call or email me.

    Welcome to Iowa Park Automotive Technology and Intro to Automotive Technology.
    At Iowa Park Auto Technology Department we have
    the latest equipment in all the surrounding schools.
    This is my 17th year in teaching auto mechanics. I bring
    over 20 years of automotive training with me. I currently
    hold a ASE master certification, and have 100% training
    in General Motors, with level 3 and level 4 training in
    Chrysler Motor Corp. There will be a strong electrical
    training core. The industry today has change so vastly
    and without a good electrical back ground it is almost
    impossible to work on cars of today. Student have classroom training as well shop training. We take in jobs from the community so they have real life application to relate to.
    Small Engine Technology students will foucus on small gas engine construction and operation, and in the Basic Automotive Technology class the students will focus on basic automotive systems and learn the basic functions of the equipment. This course is only offered to the 10th graders due to space in the class at this time. If the students take the intro course as a 10th grader they will have a head start for the blocked Auto course offered to the 11th & 12th graders.
       Mr. Simpson