Head Lice Information
The presence of head lice does not mean the child is unclean. Head lice are usually transmitted directly from one person to another, or by contact with articles that have been used by an infested person (comb, brushes, hats, scarves, bedding, upholstery, etc.). To prevent further spread in school, this condition should be treated. You may wish to follow the recommendations given below or consult a physician.
Lice do not have wings, and therefore, do not fly or jump. They do move quickly, making them difficult to locate. An active case is frequently noticed by finding nits (eggs). The nits are attached to the hair shaft with a waterproof cement-like substance. Thus, nits cannot be washed out of the hair like dandruff or other debris. All nits (eggs) should be removed to prevent reinfestation.
After shampooing with a lice-killing shampoo, you can remove stubborn nits with a rinse made from equal parts white kitchen vinegar and water.
Hair should be combed with a fine-tooth comb that has been soaked in a lice-killing shampoo for one hour. A more tedious or exact way is to thoroughly examine the hair and remove lice with an emery board or popsicle stick. Good lighting is a must!
Some Pediculicide shampoos can be purchased over the counter, while others require a prescription. Use caution and read all instructions prior to application. Consult a physician if your child has any sores on his/her head or neck. It is recommended to examine all family members and close contacts. Preventative treatment may be desired with those family members also.
Remove clothing prior to shampooing and put on clean clothes after shampooing. Wash all clothing, towels, bed linens, etc., used by persons with head lice using hot water (130 degrees for at least 5-10 minutes). It is recommended to dry clean all clothing and hats that cannot be washed, or seal them in a plastic bag for approximately 1-2 weeks. Limit cleaning of carpet and upholstered furniture, etc. to thorough vacuuming.