
    Homework Compact

    The Purpose of Homework:
     Homework at WFGMS is relevant practice to increase retention and master concepts of the learned objectives taught in class.  Homework must be aligned to the curriculum, be reasonable in length, and be meaningful.
    Below is a downloadable one page pdf document: 


    • Homework is assigned to support taught objectives. It does not replace instruction
    • Homework should be completed within a prescribed time-frame
    • Homework should be limited to reasonable number of minutes per night, per class. Teachers will define expectations in their course overview and on their website
    • Model how to plan out and clearly define your expectations for the completion of homework for students
    • Give prior notice for quizzes and one week’s notice for tests
    • Teacher feedback will be given  for all assigned homework
    • Be organized! Plan your grading cycle in advance. 
    • Keep website updated each week with daily assignments
    • Keep grade level testing calendar  and curriculum sites updated. There should be no more than two tests per grade level per day.
    • Include major projects on the testing calendar and be mindful of testing policy when scheduling
    • Provide clear, written rubrics for presentations and projects and written expectations for assignments
    • Record in a timely manner a minimum of two daily grades per week and 2-3 major grades per six weeks


    • Homework completion is required
    • Homework is the student’s responsibility
    • Record assignments in an  assignment notebook or digital calendar every day; Check curriculum sites such as Schoology.
    • Plan around extra-curricular activities by developing a time management plan; make an assignment/test calendar
    • Homework time in class is not required by teachers; however, if class time is given, students should use that time for homework.
    • Check assignments, teacher websites or contact a friend
    • Ask your teacher about tutoring if you need help in a class. Know their tutorial schedule.  Ask questions!
    • Always do your best, and take pride in yourself by doing your own work
    • Divide up study topics into small sections for tests and projects, or set a timer
    • Find a quiet place to complete homework. Avoid distractions (i.e. radio, computer, T.V., phone, electronic games, etc.)
    • Follow teacher rubrics for assignments and projects-if unsure of an expectation then ask your teacher         
    • Attend help options as needed.
    • Attend Green Catch-up when assigned.


    • Help students learn how to navigate Skyward and Schoology.  Use the parent portals as well.
    • Support your child with his/her homework. Homework is independent practice for the student to enhance his/her understanding of class material
    • When scheduling appointments with staff, please call or email the staff member in advance
    • Homework is a way for students to learn responsibility and to solidify important content
    • Suggested average homework time for each grade level is 10 minutes per grade: 6th -70minutes, 7th -80 minutes, 8th -90minutes
    • Help find a quiet and suitable area for your child to work with limited distractions
    • Encourage your child to advocate for himself/herself  when concerns arise and to problem solve as needed
    • Provide tips on planning ahead:
      • Check assignment notebook
      • Plan for weekly tests, quizzes, projects and activities
      • Create a home calendar for tests, assignments, projects and activities


Last Modified on June 22, 2022