• IPCISD Gifted and Talented Program

    In an effort to meet the individual needs of all students enrolled in Iowa Park Consolidated Independent School District, the district maintains an Advanced Academic Program (gifted and talented).  Qualifying students who evidence exceptional intellectual capacity are provided special learning opportunities for extension of classroom instruction.  GT students are formally identified through a battery of tests and documentation, before enrolling in this program.  All IPCISD teachers are trained in differentiated instruction and attend annual GT training.  At the elementary level, students may be served through a pull-out program by a teacher with specific GT training.  At W.F. George Middle School and Iowa Park High School, students are served through honors courses and dual credit courses. Screening for this program is done annually. For more information contact the GT coordinator at specific campuses:

    High School-Liza Rousseaux


    Middle School- Danielle Welch


    Kidwell and Bradford Elementary- Kelli Busby
