    Using Our Calendar


    Applying Filters
    By applying filters, you can tailor the calendar views to your needs.
    To apply filters to the calendar:
    1. Access the calendar, which will display in the monthly view. 
    2. Click on the arrow to the left of Filter Options on the top left of the calendar. Filter Options will expand. 
    3. To apply or remove the filters for the site or subsites:
      1. Click on the Site and Subsite Filters tab if it is not displaying.
      2. Select or deselect a site or subsite by clicking in the checkbox to the left of that site or subsite.
    4. To apply or remove the filters sections:
      1. Click on the Section Filters tab if it is not displaying. A Section Filters tab will display.
      2. Click on the arrow to the left of the site or subsite in which the section is located. The list of sections on that site or subsite will display.
      3. Select or deselect a section by clicking in the checkbox to the left of that section.
    5. To apply or remove category filters:
      1. Click on the Category Filters tab if it is not displaying. A Category Filters tab will display. Notice that all the categories are selected to ensure that you can see every event on the calendars selected on the Site and Subsite Filters tab and the Section Filters tab.
      2. Deselect categories by clicking in the checkboxes to the left of the categories you do not want to see.
    6. Click on the Filter button at the bottom left of the Filter Options window. The events that coincide with the filters you applied will appear on the calendar.

    Printing a Calendar Page or Event

    You can print a calendar page or an event.

    To print a calendar page:

    1. Access the calendar from which you wish to print. The calendar will display in the monthly view.
      Select the dates and the View you wish to print.
    2. Click on the Print button in the upper right corner of the calendar. Another browser window will open.
    3. Click on the Print button in your browser. The View for the dates you selected will print.

    To print a single event:

    1. Access the calendar on which the event displays. The calendar will display in the monthly view.
    2. Click on the event you wish to print. An Event Information window will display.
    3. Click on the Print button on the bottom right of the Event Information window. The printer dialog box for your computer will display.
    4. Make adjustments to your print options as required.
    5. Click on the Print button. The event you selected will print.

    Exporting an Event

    To export an event:

    1. Access the calendar on which the event displays. The calendar will display in the monthly view.
    2. Click on the event you wish to export. An Event Information window will display.
    3. Click on the Export button on the bottom left of the Event Information window. A file download dialog box will display.
    4. Click on the Save button to save the file to your computer. A Save As dialog box will display.
    5. Select the location in which you want to save the file.
    6. Click on the Save button. The event you exported will be saved.